31 August 2006

Update on The Jerk ~

Today I found a website called MovingScam.com. What a great website ~ how to pick a moving company, how to pack, who to check Movers with, etc. Well, on one of their message boards, I asked them about reusing boxes and somebody suggested I check with the PUC in PA. Voila! What an easy answer! So I did, and guess what? No such regulation in the Commonwealth! So Jim called the "Family Owned" Movers and on Thursday, the owner of the company will be here. I guess the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Only Jim will be at work ~ Linda will be here to meet Mr. Groff.

On another note, we continue to get ready for our Garage Sale. One half of the garage is full of lawn equipment, furniture, household articles, camping stuff, and things we can't remember why we got in the first place! Please, Dear God, send us lots of buyers!!

I've now ordered a beautiful print for over our new fireplace, a new comforter and duvet cover, chrome paper towel holder, end table and great red bamboo vase. . . . . .all from Overstock.com. What a great website. $1 s/h and 10X points for MyPoints.com. It's a win-win situation. I get good prices, cheap shipping, and points to buy more stuff. Love these sites!


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