We started the day bright and early, as usual, although we did not get right to work. We sat, chatted, read our Daily Devotions and then went out to breakfast. Leisurely start to a hectic day.
When we returned home Jim rearranged the cars, taking out boxes, and just leaving furniture items and all miscellaneous items that would go outside at Farmersville Auction. We then caravanned over to Farmersville to set up. We dropped off both car fulls and returned home to fill the Van with boxes and boxes and boxes full of our excess. As we were setting up, we were informed that they closed in 8 minutes for lunch. Now why didn't they tell us that when we first got there??? Anyway, we quickly unloaded the van and did not distribute our items the way we would have ordinarily done. . . . . . and then home again!
Next trip for Jim was to Garden Spot Used Furniture in Ephrata. Jim and Linda loaded the sofa in the van, and what a challenge it was getting it out of the house and then again into the van. It was not heavy, just awkward. Jim left for Garden Spot, Linda left to get her hair cut.
Garden Spot bought the sofa and Jim followed Linda into the development as we both completed our errands at the same time. That aint't never happened before.

We then had to go to Landisville and pick up our entertainment center that we had paid for on Saturday. Fortunately for Jim, the couples young son was there to help load it in the van. That sucker is one heavy puppy!!! We got about 5 miles from their home and Jim realized that we had not got the crown moulding piece that fits around the top. Back to Landisville to pick it up!
When we got home, Linda helped unload it, and we put it on a blanket to push to the middle of the garage. The next time it is moved will be by the movers! Not us!!!
In the middle of this, Linda's brother called with an update on Mom and Paul. Not good. It does not look like they can continue to live on their own and Bud, Cherrie and Paul's daughter, Kathy have been researching options. They will be presented to the McCracken duo within the next week, with the Geriatric nurse and her log, present. If they decide to remain in their home, they are on their own with nobody assuming responsibility for them except themselves. That was at least a 20 minute phone call! And Bud told us details of his accident on Sunday. When it rains it pours!
It was time for Jim to take a shower and Linda to pour the wine! After the wine was gone we went into Lititz to see a computer desk that was advertised on Craigs list for $75. Wasn't the desk for us! Reminded us of various dirty houses we'd seen while searching for our home!
Home again, quick dinner, nap on the sofa and feet up for the rest of the evening!
Oh! Except for the phone call from Barry. Remember Barry? The guy who bought the sofa and then decided it was too big and wanted his money back??? Well, when he was here on Sunday he and his "fiancee" looked at the double bed we had for sale. They didn't make a comment either way about whether they liked it or not. On Thursday he called and wanted to buy it. He was totally surprized to hear we'd sold it!!! "You're kidding!!" was his comment. Like we're just holding our stuff just in case Barry wants something. Duh!
We both collapsed! It was an early bedtime after all the running . . . . . . . . . . .
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