Now that we've reached the two week point, things are moving rapidly! The pace is picking up and sometimes things seem overwhelming!
Last Thursday, after several gentle reminders from Jim, Linda finally booked her flight to California. Usually she goes in December to celebrate Blaine's and her birthday with a joint dinner. Because of Mom's condition it was decided an earlier trip would be better. Ticket was purchased for the first week in November, and not a cheap ticket either! Since there should be minimal packing charge on the move, thus saving us over $700, logic dictated that Linda take that extra $700 and apply it to a Business Class ticket! Jim's suggestion because of the ankle problem. Linda cried because of his kindness and then booked the ticket.
Friday night when we returned home from dinner with friends, there was a call on the answering machine from Bud and Cherrie telling us Mother was back in the hospital!!! Now the ticket to CA is NONREFUNDABLE and if a flight to CA is necessary in the next week or two, do we throw away the $$ or does Linda take two trips?????
. . . . .and if Linda has to go to California in the next week or two, who finishes the packing? Who signs documents at closing? Who directs traffic when our furniture and boxes are delivered? These questions plus many more keep popping up!
Sunday evening we sat in the family room and with the laptop running, chose our telephone service, telephone number, internet option (DSL), yada, yada, yada. We chose Verizon since our cellphone account is with them number one, and number two they were offering some very cheap rates as an "internet special." Today, via e-mail, they notified us that they had sent the DSL kit to the new address and it will be arriving today. Now they confirmed the connection date of 10 October, why on earth did they send the kit now??? Another call to Stacie to tell her to set aside that package!
In addition to that, Verizon called to inform us that the "previous" owners had not disconnected their phone service and it must be disconnected before our service would start. DUH!!! I explained we were not taking possession of the home until OCTOBER 10TH and that was the date they had confirmed via e-mail. She said. . . .. and I quote "the current residents have an independent phone service and it takes longer to disconnect than if they had Verizon." Huh?? I told her they had ATT and she said it was an independent phone company. Hasn't ATT been around longer than Verizon???? Can't argue with customer service! After all they just graduated from high school and know much more than I do!

Yesterday Jim worked, Linda worked at 20 Brookwood. All of the garment boxes were assembled and 4 of them were packed. . . . . . that is after a trip to Lowes to buy more tape! While in Lebanon, no trip would be complete without stopping in TJMax to see what neat things they have. I found towels for the guest bath and a wonderful sculpture for either the bedroom or that long narrow spot in the bookshelves above the kitchen stove. What do you think of it? $40 later, the car headed south.
Before Jim got home, Linda had cleaned out one entire closet, the linen closet, her dresses and slacks, most of her sewing room and another box of books. We're anxious to see what muscleman will carry those book boxes downstairs and into the moving van!
Jim was impressed with Linda's progress and offered to go to dinner. Offer accepted.
Today another ad hits the paper. We are still getting calls from the two we placed last week that hasn't run since Thursday! Jim has decided that the entertainment center we bought from Craig's list is too tall and will look strange so we listed it in the paper for what we paid for it. The calls should start bright and early. The earliest call we've received from any ad we've placed recently was at 5:45AM!!
Linda will pack some more, Jim will pick up yard "thingies" and pack those and we will go to Farmersville and watch the auction. Linda will try to refrain from bidding on anything. No guarantees. . . . .
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