At this time next week, we will be "Lancasterians". . . . or whatever they're called!
Yesterday was the one week point and I still have to finish packing the laundry room, basement, and of course, my office! My new packing supply of choice is now SHRINK WRAP! I have been shrink wrapping everything, rather than box things! Plastic shoe boxes full of photos? Shrink wrap it! Long awkward things? Shrink wrap 'em! Bulletin Board full of photos and maps? Remove the items and try to remember the arrangement? Nahhhh ~ shrink wrap it! I've shrink wrapped shoeboxes together, shrink wrapped my trays of tools, etc. I love the stuff and it's only $7 +/- at Lowes and the stuff goes a long-g-g-g way! Even Jim is getting into using it! We each have our own rolls of it!
I will pack all of my genealogy books in rubbermaid tubs with, of course, shrink wrap around them!! That room should fly, until that is, I get to all the garbage on my desk! I have been throwing things on the desk, "to look at later." I think "later" is catching up with me!
Yesterday was the Farmersville Auction, and of course, we had to go to see how our final load of "excess" did. Linda, again, vowed she would "try not to bid." Once again, she tried, but failed! Jim should appreciate the fact that we do NOT go every week! The picture at the top of the page shows the auctioneer when Linda was not bidding, but playing with her phone!
This weeks haul included, 5 Pfaltzgraff cups and saucers that match our set (Yorktown) for $l, a nice little Asian folding screen painted in water colors with different birds on it for $5, a Constantine Kermes print, signed and

About the door stops, I was going to stop at $12.50, but I guess the person I was bidding against was going to stop at $7! These are nice big ones, not antiques and in new condition. I think I'll pick the one I like the best and take the other two back to the auction next time we go!
Now about our stuff! Jim doubted Linda could come up with even $100 worth! Farmersville takes 20% or $20, whichever is more, so we needed to sell at least $100. We sold $200! I knew we would since I had things that the Amish and Mennonites buy! A pressure cooker ($30), Box of towels ($20), Quilting frame ($30), etc. I sold Jim's 35MM camera and case, a box of postcards (those always sell good! and mine sold for ($25), etc. At the end of the day, the total take was $197 and we'll get a check for $157. The best part is we got rid of more things!!!
We have already unpacked one box that I packed last night. When I was packing (and shrink wrapping) my tools, I wondered if I really should do it. My doubts were confirmed when Jim needed my drill bits and a clamp that I had just packed. Luck would have it that they were both in the same shrink wrapped tray!
It's now 6:30 AM and time to get started on our day. Jim is downstairs checking his e-mail and when he comes up we'll have breakfast, read our devotions and then get with it!
Our final week begins!!
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