It's Here! Moving Day has arrived!
I was up at 4:30AM (so what's new, you might ask?) and ready to go. A list of last minute things swirled through my mind and I was unable to get back to sleep, so in my bathrobe, I started sorting, packing and labeling. If it didn't move, it either got stuck in a box or put on the island in the kitchen. At 5AM I started filling the washer with hot water for the final load of laundry. At 5:30 I went upstairs to awaken Jim so I could get the sheets off the bed and into the washer!

By 10:15 the living room and dining room were almost empty and they were starting on the second floor. These guys flat haul! The dining rooms looks emptier than I've ever seen it. The lone table just has it's dust and my sewing machine to keep it company and the rolled up rugs in the corner are wondering if they're going to be left or thrown on the top of something! The hutch in the corner now belongs to the new owners, so it's been emptied and dusted and is ready for their beautiful things to display.

The living room which was stacked with boxes to the ceiling 4 hours ago, now just has a few left. A suitcase, a bench, and a few odds and ends keep company with about 20 cartons yet to be loaded. Now that the boxes are loaded, we can start patching and painting the wall where wall art once hung.
One thing I do know for sure is that Jim and I could not have done this moving thing by ourselves! Hiring movers is the only way to go, in our opinion. These three young men know exactly what to do, and keep moving. I'm impressed!
It is now the Saturday after moving day and I'm finally getting to the computer to finish my moving day experiences!
The movers left at 3PM and we had a 4:30 appt for our walk through on Walnut street. We quickly cleaned ourselves up, changed clothes and headed into Lancaster. There we met our realtor and the "current" owner and walked through an empty, soon to be filled with boxes, home. It was beautiful! The floors were polished and the kitchen was shined. It was everything we wanted! and we were excited! We signed all the necessary paperwork signifying our approval of the premises and hurriedly headed to soon-to-be sold home on Brookwood.
When we got to Brookwood they had done their final walk through and approved of everything. We talked to them for awhile and then ran over to Tom and Cindy's where we were going to be staying for the night. We had promised to take them to dinner and we did! Down the hill to Lititz Family Cupboard for a nice leisurely dinner and then back to their home to relax!
The "Bed and Breakfast" bedroom she had prepared for us was welcoming and just what we needed at the end of a long day!
The next day was the "trying" day, and will be detailed later!
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